Galli Uhren Bijouterie AG
Theaterstrasse 16, on Bellevue
CH-8001 Zurich
Tel: +41 44 262 04 10
Fax: +41 44 252 49 96
Not unlike a pair of leather shoes, a leather strap on a wristwatch is something special. So that our customers might enjoy a watchband like this as long as possible, we offer handcrafted top quality exclusively.
Visit us on Zurich’s Bellevue; we will gladly advise you and show you our large selection of leather straps.
A watch for every occasion: With assorted watch straps made of select leather in beautiful colors, your watch will always match your wardrobe. We have the right leather strap for every kind of watch and attire. In addition to the original straps on our brand-name watches, we also carry the fabulous Cornelius Kaufmann collection. For more than 70 years, watch straps in the Cornelius Kaufmann collection are made by hand, piece by piece, with the greatest of care by experienced bag makers in their own German and Swiss workshops. We are therefore able to offer you, for example, straps made of full cut alligator leather, with gloss finish, coupé franc and hand-varnished edges. Kaufmann makes is watchstraps in its own factory by hand with greatest attention to detail.
Discover the handmade Atelier Del Sur leather bracelets from Argentina. Their philosophy does not take into account current fashion trends, but is strongly characterised by class and timeless elegance.
Vintage watches are trendy. So why not a high quality leather strap? We have a large selection of vintage straps ready for you.