Return Policy

Right of cancellation/right of exchange

A period of 30 days applies to exchanges and cancellations, starting from receipt of your order. To be eligible for a return, your item must be in the same condition in which you received it: unworn or unused, labeled and in its original packaging. Please note that we cannot accept returns of customized or personalized items.


If you are not satisfied with the item you have purchased, you have the right to exercise your right of cancellation within 30 days. Within this period, you can either return the item to our shop or return it free of charge. 

To initiate a return, you can contact us at


If you notice any problems with the item you have received or have any questions about it, please contact us by telephone on +41 44 262 04 10 or by e-mail at


As soon as we have received and checked your return, we will notify you immediately and let you know whether the refund has been authorized or not. If approved, the amount will be automatically refunded to your original payment method within 10 working days. Please note that it may take some time for your bank or credit card company to process and post the refund.